Mt. Comfort church of Christ been a part of the work in Honduras since 2000, and since 2006 we have been joining hands even more closely with our Honduran brothers and sisters. Through this partnership, our support and involvement has grown from the church in El Paraiso, Honduras and its one minister to a total of seven congregations in different Honduran communities served by a total of seven ministers.
Currently, we help support seven Honduras congregations with the help and involvement of area churches here in Northwest Arkansas (Johnson, Prairie Grove and Combs), Gainesville, Texas and Lytle, Texas. In addition, there are a number of various individuals who help with the Honduran efforts.
The support covers the following: ministers’ salaries, materials for Sunday school supplies, feeding the poor during the Pandemic, medical needs, cost for repair and upkeep for church properties, and educational support for children up to the 6th grade as well as a select number of high school students.

Children's Education
For the past 8 years Mt. Comfort and other area churches of Christ have determined to assist families in Honduras put their children in school. Each fall we host “Children’s Education Benefit” to raise funds to put children in each community in school where the church meets. At this point God has put 210 children in school each year who would not have been able to attend otherwise.
Although school is free, children cannot register unless they have a uniform, a backpack and supplies for school. This costs approximately $85.00 per year. For a Honduran family who might make $5.00 per week…it might as well be a million dollars. Our hope is that each child learns to read, write and understand math. But our biggest goal is that they would be able to read the Word of the Lord for themselves.
Summer Missions
Every summer we take a mission trip to visit and encourage our brothers and sisters in these congregations. Efforts that take place typically include:
- Outreach to the community
- Medical clinics
- Personal evangelism
- Vacation Bible School
- Visitation with new and prospective converts
- Encouraging local congregations
- Worship together
- Teen Camp, Ladies Day, Men’s Spiritual Clinic
- Construction efforts
- Assist with spiritual, physical, and financial needs
- Provide education for the ministers and their wives

Breaking Chains
Recently, we have become a part of another mission work in Tegucigalpa, Honduras called “Breaking Chains”. “Breaking Chains” is an inner-city project that works with street kids as well as the homeless. Click on this link to find out more about them: Breaking Chains Honduras.