What We Believe
The entire Bible – the holy, inspired word of God – is the basis of our faith. It tells of the creation of all things including the first man and woman with whom God desired to have a close, intimate relationship. Yet, with the first man and woman, their sin separated them from God. We believe that we, as with all men, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Sin, without the only remedy, results in spiritual death and separation from our Creator. We further believe that within ourselves we lack any power or ability to take away the guilt and separation from God created by our sin. Therefore, we have no means of reconciliation with God and being righteous in His sight. We are lost without God’s extraordinary intervention to rid us of the guilt and burden of our sin.
We believe that God loved us so much and desires our salvation so greatly that He sent His Only Son Jesus to this earth. Jesus lived among men, lived a life of perfect faith and absolute obedience to the Father. He then laid down His life for us; he shed His innocent blood as the perfect sacrifice – the only remedy for blotting out our sin. Jesus bore the guilt for all mankind through His death. He paid the only price that could save us from eternal separation from God. Today, we are bound together in unity and in our love for God because of what He did for us through Jesus. God is love!
We are also bound together in our love and faith in Jesus the Christ. He is our Savior and Redeemer made possible through His love and his sacrifice on our behalf. Our faith is evidenced through our hearing the gospel and believing the good news that Jesus is the Son of God and He came to the earth and died for us. As recorded in Acts, we must repent, changing the direction of our lives, and we must confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior and then be baptized for the forgiveness of our sin. In baptism, the Bible teaches that the sinful person is buried in water, in doing so our sins are washed away, and as we rise from the watery grave, we are a new creature in Christ – righteous and pure in God’s sight. God’s word further teaches that as baptized believers, God adds us to His family, the church of His Son Jesus Christ and that God blesses us as sanctuaries of the indwelling Holy Spirit. As God’s children, as Christians, our lives are to be given as a living sacrifice to God. As we walk daily in the light of Jesus the blood of Jesus continues to cleanse us. Through Jesus, we are saved by faith through the grace of God. The gospel is indeed good news!
Our Mission
We are a church called by Jesus Christ to teach, serve, and witness in love to our community and to one another. Our desire is to know Jesus more fully and make Him more fully known as the Spirit transforms our lives into Christ’s character. As a part of the family of God, our mission is to be the image of our Savior both to one another and to all we encounter in our lives. We want to be a safe haven where everyone can come together and learn all that God would have us to be and to do. We aim to be a people able to laugh together and cry together, to be a people that reaches out in service to others in the name of our Savior. A family of believers that wholeheartedly trust in the Lord as both our King and our guide. A place where all are welcome and we show them the love and grace our Father has shown us.