In 2016 we were introduced to Rui and Nadia Diogo by Gaylon and Sally Lamb. Brother Rui came and made a presentation of their work in Caxias do Sul, Brazil. We were impressed with the work they were doing and decided to join them in their efforts. We have been supporting the work in Brazil ever since financially and by sending a summer mission team (the Razorbacks for Christ).
Brother Rui goes into heavily populated areas where there is no current congregation of the Lord’s church and plants one. After it has been established, Brother Rui will then seek out a new location and begin the process again. Brother Rui has been in this mission for 18 years and has worked in 8 different cities where there were no churches of Christ. They have a new target city, Foz do Iguacu, a city of 260,000.
We are excited to be a part of the Lord’s work
in Brazil!